Friends of the Congo
To bring the hope of quality medical care to those most in need
August 2023 Update:
Weast's efforts in restoring flowing water in Yassa.
Last October we contracted with Weast, an international company that has produced many solar-powered wells in Africa, to replace the pump and upgrade the solar-power on the well in Yassa. However, the well itself was determined to be inadequate and a second contract was needed for a new well. Along the way, many obstacles were encountered and we began to wonder if a functioning well in Yassa was actually part of God’s will. With much prayer from our supporters and donors, with a timely contribution from a donor, and with a persistent effort from Weast, water is again flowing in Yassa powered by the sun and no longer by a generator.
It is now time to return to our plan to build the Examination Clinic to house the equipment donated by MedShare. While there is a grand plan to possibly construct a large clinic in four phases, our focus is on the first phase which will accommodate the equipment that is currently in storage, with some of it being stored in the Maternity Clinic and limiting the clinic’s usefulness. The first phase of the Examination Clinic is itself broken into two stages. The first stage is the physical building to provide a place for the equipment. The second phase is the solar-power facility to allow the equipment to become operational.
Our building fund was depleted by the well expenses, but we felt we had no choice. Operating a Maternity Clinic and an Examination Clinic without water is simply not feasible. And so, we now start fundraising again, and it is an uphill battle with an estimated price tag of just over $100,000. We appreciate donations of all amounts, $10, $25, $50, or whatever you can contribute. But to put things in perspective, it takes 1,000 donations of $100 each to reach our $100,000 goal. We don’t have that many donors to our small non-profit. And so, we pray that there may be a few generous donors who have the means to make a significant contribution of $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000 to get us back on our feet and help us reach our goal more quickly.